A pair of black eyes darted line upon line of seemingly endless document that scattered around on his desk. The face stayed impassive. A long raven hair adorned the man’s head in pony tailed manner. After few minutes of skimming over the document on his hand, he sighed softly, face still void of any expression. The pale skinned man fixed his hair slightly as he straightened his posture.
“Well, I think it’s almost the time…” he murmured softly as his eyes stared blankly at the closed door of his office.
“ITACHI UCHIHA!!” an angry shout can be heard outside his office accompanied by few muffled voice from his secretary. The man sighed deeply as he massaged his nose bridge.
“Foolish little brother,” he muttered in annoyance.
Sasuke was livid when he stormed into Itachi office in Uchiha Company that he ignored the scared whimper of his brother secretary completely. He stormed into the office with loud bang and eyes glared menacingly toward his indifferent brother.
“Hello, little brother,” the man said calmly. Sasuke stalked toward his brother and growled angrily.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Itachi?” he hissed while his ‘demented’ brother stayed impassively.
“I believe, I don’t know what you’re talking about, brother.”
Sasuke eyes twitched. He glared harder as his mouth formed into thinnest line. He put his hands on the desk before him and hovered menacingly over his brother.
“You surely do know, big brother,” he said in mocking tone, eyes still glaring dagger. Itachi snorted and straightened in his seat. He stared at his furious little brother and smiled.
“Well, I know no such things, Sasuke.”
“You do know what I’m talking about, Itachi. I’m sure as hell you did. After all you’re the one who talk with Naruto not me,” Sasuke gritted out as he sat rigidly in front of Itachi.
“Ah, that…” the older raven said as he nodded slightly. Smirk still intact. He leaned back into his chair and stared impassively at his little brother. Sasuke eyes twitched slightly again. His eyes narrowed sharply at his brother.
“Well what, little brother?” Itachi said with eyebrow raised. Sasuke fisted his hands as his glare intensified.
“The talk with Naruto, you bastard of a brother,” he cussed. Itachi snorted lightly as his eyes darted to the right side of the room. Sasuke followed his movement out of curiosity and his eyes landed on the picture that nailed on the right wall. Itachi’s graduation picture. And his eyes widened slightly as he recognized a person in the picture who sat few rows ahead from Itachi.
“Naruto?” he whispered softly, caught of guard. He frowned and turned to look at Itachi, asking for some explanation. But Itachi just stared back at him.
“Explain to me, dammit!” Sasuke yelled angrily and banged his fist on to the desk in front of him with so much force that the papers tumbled slightly.
“Well, if you insist…”
His eyes darted wildly around the room as he paced back and forth. He always likes that whenever he was nervous. He lightly bit his bottom lips as his eyes darted on the corner of the room and stopped pacing. He sighed hard. Thinking was never his forte.
“Ah, what should I do?” he whined softly with dejected look. His hands reached toward his head and pulling the blond tresses in frustration. He felt really miserable right now.
Earlier that day, he was home early and had not seen Sasuke ever since he woke up and went to university this morning. To tell the truth, he felt a bit guilty too. These past few days he tried with all his might to avoid the raven without him noticed his attempt. But the awkward atmosphere that hung in the air was the result of the failed attempt. Sasuke had noticed. And particularly on this morning, the raven seemed so pissed since he woke up and proceeded to ignoring the blond completely. While that action somewhat make the blond a little at ease, he still felt guilty and sad feeling creped on him. He already missed the small yet sweet smile on the raven face. Longing to just laid there on the bed lazily and cuddle with him.
“Fuck! I’m such an idiot!” he mumbled angrily as he banged his head onto the wall. A soft thud echoed lightly on the silent room.
“What are you doing, dobe?”
He whirled around so fast, eyes widen and mouth hung agape. Then his face twisted between embarrassed, guilty, happy, disbelief, yet sad.
On the way home after meeting Itachi, Sasuke was torn between happy and anger toward a certain blond idiot. Said blond idiot named Naruto had attempted to avoid him, the keywords being ‘attempted’. The blond failed miserably. That blond idiot will never be good with subtlety. He noticed the blond attempt instantly and severely pissed by that. At first he thought because the bastard of a brother of his that make the blond tried to avoid him, thus was what make him confronted his evil brother today. And the result was far from what he imagined before. Now he was really pissed at the blond but at the same time was happy beyond belief.
“What a dobe,” he grumbled lightly. Eyes narrowed slightly.
“Just wait till I get your sorry ass…”
He was barely reached the hallway toward their shared room when he heard a dull thud along with some cussing. He tip toed toward the room and opened the door, peering inside.
There, sat the blond, he look so frustrated that the raven felt a bit guilty with what he about to do toward his idiotic blond. But that stupid blond of his deserved some punishment for his attempt at avoiding him.
“Fuck! I’m such an idiot!” the blond mumbled angrily and banged his head against the wall. Sasuke winced slightly at the dull thud that echoed around the room. When he saw Naruto ready to bang his head again, he stepped into the room, and spoke.
“What are you doing, dobe?”
The surprised look on the blond face, make something in his chest twisted painfully. He tugged at his clothes slightly, trying to ease the pain that he suddenly felt.
“Sa-Sasuke?” stutter the blond. His eyes still wide in shock. The raven sighed hard then yanked the blond into his embrace. The blond stumbled a bit and stared at him wide eyed, still speechless. He ignored a little pain that tugging at his heart and kissed the blond deeply.
The sudden kiss was startling the blond, but soon he melted into the kiss and closed his eyes as his hands snaked around the raven waist. He sighed softly into the kiss as he tilted his head and desperately deepened the kiss.
They kissed passionately. All emotions poured into that single passionate kiss. The blond clutched at the raven desperately, his body trembled slightly. The raven pulled away and stared at him, bewildered.
“Dobe? Why are you crying?” he asked softly, hand lightly brushed against the scarred cheek that now wet by the tears. He felt his chest twisted painfully again. He let out a staggered breath then pulled Naruto closer.
“Don’t cry please,” he whispered the words softly into the blond ear, his voice a bit shaky. Gently, he nuzzled at the blond and kissed the blond neck lovingly.
“I’m sorry…”
Itachi sat on his chair quietly, his eyes was gazing at the picture that hung on the wall in front of him. A faintest hint of smile etched on his face.
“Now that I have already done what I must do, the result is all up to both of you. I hope you two will get your happiness now.”
He then turned around on his chair and let out a deep breath. Slowly he raked his fingers trough his hair.
“Don’t screw up this time, brother.” He murmured softly and closed his eyes.
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