Sunday, February 12, 2012


The anger that raging in this broken body
Madness that run deep
and tears that make no beauty

Just blame me
because it's only hate that left
in this world that I called MADNESS
and the mess that left behind
It isn't pretending
but simply me that trying
Telling something

I don't care even if everything falling
I just hate running

Sadness and madness
never ending hopelessness
I've enough trying
I've enough drowning

Pain and sorrow
that flowing like no tomorrow
like blood that always flowing
I don't care if I'm falling
I just hate dying for nothing

Just break me
and I will just standing
all over again

beat me till black and blue
I won't even crying
nor leaving
because I've enough screaming

I won't leaving
I won't crying
I won't running
because I hate losing
and I've enough trying
I've enough drowning
I've enough compromising through everything

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