Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Piece of Mind

I want a peace of mind
not some craps that mess with my already unstable mind
and don't put me in the pinch
when that should be you solved your own problem
I'm not your scape goat
so don't put the blame on me
when it was clear that was fully your own mistake
and not mine

I know you need me
but don't depend on me all the time
I have my own crap to take care to
not only yours

please think thoroughly and carefully
before you brought the blame upon me
it was clearly your fault in the beginning
why should I the one who running?

you are offending me
your words,
your attitude,
you asked if I'm mad or hurt
of course I'm mad and hurt
what are you taking me for?
I am emotionally repressed indeed
but I am a human too
who can still feel even in the surface I can't show it

please treat my silence with respect
don't step on me like you did all the time
I respect you
so why couldn't you?

I know you want perfection on every things
but don't take that crap on me
don't put that responsibility on me
it was yours to begin with
not mine
so, why should I care if you screwed by sheer stupidity that you did?
then blaming me for your own failure to make things right
I'm not your puppet nor your slave
open your eyes wide
you are not everything
and I can easily trampled on yours if I had too
just don't push me
you'll regret it if you do

things never always rolling like you want
and surely they won't kindly wait you
get your head down to earth
don't dream or wanting things too much if you can't do it
don't take people kindness for granted
they surely can walk out when they got enough of your attitude
and so do I

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