Monday, September 12, 2011

Eyes-Chapter 7

                “I’m home!” Naruto shouted tiredly as he opened the door to his apartment. He walked further into the living room and found the raven lounging lazily on the couch while watching TV. He smiled softly and approached said raven.
                “Hey, there, love,” he murmured softly as he nuzzled the raven’s neck. Sasuke just grunted lightly and beckoned Naruto to sit with him. The blond complied and sat beside the raven. Then he slowly leaning toward the raven and laid his head on Sasuke’s lap.
                “So, how was your day?” the raven asked as he combed the blond soft hair slowly. The blond grunted softly as he nuzzled the raven stomach, hugging him on the waist.
                “I’m so tired. Can’t I just cuddling with you?”
                “Nope,” he teased the blond. The blond pouted but then smiled when the raven kissed his cheek lovingly.
                “I forgot to do the project given by Iruka to me,” the blond drawled lazily, his forefinger making circular pattern on Sasuke’s stomach.
                “Distracted,” he answered softly. He lifted his body up a little bit then stared at Sasuke face lovingly. He smiled and leaned in, capturing the raven’s lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss. The raven mewled softly as his hand sneaked onto the back of the blond head, fisting the blond locks softly.

-Flash Back-
                “Crap!” the blond blurted out. Neji stared at him with weird expression plastered across his face while Kiba looking at him like he has grow another head.
                “You forgot.” The pale eyed man stated. Naruto scratched his head sheepishly. Neji sighed softly, already predicted it would happen like this.
                “Forgot what?” Kiba asked still somewhat can’t comprehend the situation.
                “Man! I’m so doomed,” the blond mumbled as he sat on his desk rigidly, hands already pulling at his hair, ignoring Kiba’s question.
                “What is it? Forgot what?” Kiba asked again. Neji turned to him then mouthed ‘Iruka’s project’ to him, the brunet mouthed an ‘Oh’ after that while the blond still pulling his hair in desperation.
                “Naruto!!” someone shouted the blond’s name. Naruto turned around, hand still on his hair, making the boy who called him halted. He stared at the blond strangely.
                “What?” the blond asked somewhat irritated. The boy shook his head as if to distract him self back into focus. The blond frowned.
                “Iruka was asking you to meet him at his office.”
                “What’s for?”
                “I don’t know.” The boy shrugged then walked away. The blond groaned loudly as his head banged into the desk. Neji just shook his head and Kiba just chuckled lightly.
                “Good luck with that one, dude.” Kiba said as he patted the blond’s back a bit harder than normal person would do. Naruto winced then glared but stood up nonetheless. He then walked away while mulling over what reason he should spewed to Iruka now to delay his dateline project.
-End Flash Back-

                “Needless to say, I got the extended time I needed,” said the blond as he nipped the raven’s jaw softly. Sasuke just ‘Hmm’-ed. He pulled the blond closer and captured his lips once again, tasting the blond. Naruto moaned softly, he clutched the front of Sasuke shirt.
                “You’ve been a naughty student. You should be punished,” Sasuke murmured softly as he licked the blond’s ear, earned him self a soft groan from said blond.
                “Mmm… Would you like to punish me then?” said the blond as he bite the raven collarbone softly then sucked at it lightly. Sasuke body arched slightly, his eyes shut as a moan escaped his lips.
                Both man stared into each other eyes, lust and love filled their eyes. Then slowly they inched closer, lips claimed each other in languid manner, savoring each other taste. The kiss turned passionate then wilder as hands groped each other. Swollen lips agape as each panting escalated into raged breaths and moan after moan filled the room, the TV now abandoned as they both now busy savoring each other lips.
                Naruto hands slowly but steadily slipped under Sasuke shirt. He lightly traced the expanse of pale skin of the raven stomach; the raven breath hitched. His lips softly wandered off the soft lips toward the raven jaw line and nibbled at it gently. He showered the pale neck with open mouthed kiss and the raven head arched backward; giving the blond more access.
                “Ah!!” Sasuke moaned a bit loudly as the blond sucked his neck and played with his sensitive nipples at the same time. His body arched ever so slightly into the blond touch, eyelids dropped lower each time the blond caressed his sensitive part, making heat pooled in the pit of his stomach.
                “I love you, Sas…” the blond whispered softly into the man ears beneath him, lips kissed the pale skins and nipped softly at the raven jaw, hands tightened around the slender waist, pulling the raven closer. He felt his heart beat faster each time the raven kissing him, tasting him in every passionate way possible. It’s warmed his heart, being truly loved by special person that he held in his heart dearly. He nuzzled into soft raven locks of his lover, breathed the man musky scent, then lightly kissed the raven forehead, and just held the raven there, in a loving embrace. A soft and gentle smile etched on the blond face. He felt content and happy for the first time in his life.
                “Have you eat, hun?” he asked as he moved around into comfortable position, still leaned into the raven. Sasuke nuzzled on the blond’s neck and grunted softly. Naruto chuckled slightly.
               “You know that ‘Hn’ isn’t a word, Sas,” he teased. The raven glared but then smiled as he pecked the blond’s cheek.
                “Come on, I’m hungry!” said Naruto as he tugging the raven toward the kitchen.
                He sat quietly under one of the trees that planted in the campus ground; back rested on the tree branch and leg crossed over in Indian style. Blue eyes roamed over the sky and his lips turned up into happy smile. He gazed at the sky for a few more minute and then hung his head low as a sigh escaped his lips; the happy face now gone replaced by a frown. Rustling sounds can be heard and he turned slightly to the right, his blue eyes met a pair of leg standing there, not far away from where he sat. He looked up then smiled lightly.
                “Hey, Shika.” He greeted.
                The man just stood there as he stared at Naruto; unlit cigarette hanging limply on his mouth and hands behind his ‘pineapple’ hair styled head, looking bored as always.
                “What’s up with you?” the man asked as he sat beside Naruto. Naruto sighed softly and smiled gently as his eyes have far away look on them.
                “I have never felt so happy before now.” He murmured softly. The ‘pineapple’ head stared at Naruto; eyes already gauging the man beside him.
                “But you seems a bit sad to me now.”
                “Well…” Naruto said, hesitated. He took a deep breath and turned his head at Shikamaru. The man just nodded slightly.
                “I’m scared.”
                “Why?” Shikamaru asked after they sat in silence for a few moments. Naruto threaded his hair lightly; eyes gazed back at the sky.
                “Somehow, I tended to screw things over. And sometimes I screw it over beyond repair. I’m afraid to take another step. Afraid that somehow I’ll screw this over too.” He said softly. A sad smile etched on his lips. Shikamaru sighed softly as he lifted his gaze up at the sky.
                “I don’t want to mess things up this time, Shika. Now that I finally found what I looking for after so long, I don’t want to mess it up.”
                “Just try it, Naruto.” Shikamaru answered after the long silence. He leaned onto the tree behind him; hands rummaged around his pants pocket. After awhile he pulled out; with lighter in hand, he lit his cigarette. He inhaled then blew the smoke out through his lips.
                “You won’t know the result if you never try.”
                “So, how was it?” Kakashi asked after Iruka sat. The brunet just sighed as he combed his hair; fixing his pony tail. He leaned into the chair and stared at the man.
                “I did what you told me to.” He answered. Kakashi nodded slightly.
                “But why Itachi want that?” Iruka asked the silver haired man in front of him. He knew how the way the elder Uchiha acted toward his little brother. And to think that this is what the man wanted was mind boggling for him. Kakashi just shrugged.
                “Well, now we can just wait and see what will happen.”

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