Friday, July 20, 2012

Because It's You (BL)

Title : Because It's You 
Genre : Hurt/Comfort-Romance
Pairing : NaruSasuNaru (Yaoi/BL)
Rated : Mature
Fandom : Naruto (AU)
Author : ariablur a.k.a Lee Jin Hyuk

 Because It's You
                 Simultaneous knocking sound can be heard in every part of the two story house in a sub urban area. A grunt and few rustling sounds later, a body emerged from underneath the blanket. A scowl etched on his face as his sharp ears ringing due to the knocking sounds.
                “Goddammit!” he cursed loudly and stepped out of the bed and walked toward the door with only a pair of sweatpants hanging loosely on his slender hips.
                “I’m coming, dammit! Stop knocking!!” he yelled furiously as he hastened his pace toward the door. He pulled open the door angrily and ready to punch whoever it was outside his house.

Monday, July 9, 2012

It's Time

I have enough hurting
I have enough crying and screaming
fighting and bleeding
and yet still trying
still standing
even it's slowly staggering

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Day

Semester baru perkuliahan sudah dimulai sejak tiga hari yang lalu. Dan sudah sejak tiga hari itu pula anggota di kelas perkuliahanku bertambah. Tepat dihari pertama mulai perkuliahan, kelasku kedatangan dua orang mahasiswi pindahan di dalam hari yang sama. Kedua mahasiswi baru itu sangat menarik buatku dan juga anak-anak sekelas. Sejak hari pertama mereka berdua sudah menjadi selebritis kelas. Selalu dikerubungi anak-anak, persis sepertiku. Hanya saja anak-anak mengerubungiku karena urusan perkuliahan dan urusan dosen. Kenapa? Tentu saja karena aku adalah ketua kelas mereka. Kebanyakan anak-anak lebih cenderung mendekati Calista ketimbang Maharani yang sedikit pendiam dan cuek. Tapi aku justru lebih tertarik pada Maharani. Bagiku ia lebih menarik dan istimewa ketimbang Calista yang memang kuakui sangat cantik dan pantas jadi pujaan banyak laki-laki.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Letter for My Beloved

       Sometimes, when the night has come, when I sat in the corner staring into nothing, there was one thought flickered in the back of brain of mine. Lastly, it has become a habit of mine, sitting in the corner staring at nothing while mulling over things that had happened.

What I always asking

That's the word that I always asked
and yet I still haven't found the real answer


It's nothing just sadness and madness
No restrain, just pure selfishness
and now it's all mess


sometimes I wondering
is it worth it?
being in pain and all
tasting the sorrow and getting hurt…


The anger that raging in this broken body
Madness that run deep
and tears that make no beauty

On The Surface

This madness already brewing on the surface
a snap and a lot of blood that you will got

This patience already thinning on the surface
and run thinner every time passed by

I'm done

I'm done being a good man
I'm done smiling whenever you demean me
I'm done trying to make you see what being that you be

Human Being

Today, I saw you crying in the corner
while just yesterday I say something that make you smile

One day, you look into my eyes in awe
but today I saw the lies

When, Then, and The End

when you blinded by the rage
don't drown your self in the fire
soak your self with water
that will cool you down

Every Breath I Take

every breath I take now only pain me more
every breath I take now my heart break more
every breath I take now my tears flow

Let Me Be Your Sanctuary (Yunjae Ver.) - Part 1

            A soft lips kissing him, it softly nipped his lower lips seeking for entrance. But a slightly chapped one didn’t even budge nor did it react to all the sensual kisses being thrown at him. He just sat there passively, staring out of focus. He felt something soft pushing onto his arms, he looked down slightly and there he saw a pair of squishy breast being shoved. He internally sighed while his face remains void of all expression.
            “Can you stop it?” he said flatly while staring at the woman who sat on his lap and attempted to seduce him. But the woman ignored him and started to open his shirt button one by one.

Eyes-Chapter 8

                A pair of black eyes darted line upon line of seemingly endless document that scattered around on his desk. The face stayed impassive. A long raven hair adorned the man’s head in pony tailed manner. After few minutes of skimming over the document on his hand, he sighed softly, face still void of any expression. The pale skinned man fixed his hair slightly as he straightened his posture.
                “Well, I think it’s almost the time…” he murmured softly as his eyes stared blankly at the closed door of his office.
                “ITACHI UCHIHA!!” an angry shout can be heard outside his office accompanied by few muffled voice from his secretary. The man sighed deeply as he massaged his nose bridge.
                “Foolish little brother,” he muttered in annoyance.