A lot pairs of eyes set on the hall way as Sasuke walked in. He ignored the stares though and keeps going forward. His step stopped at the closed door of the art room. He knocked lightly on it. And seconds later he heard lightly steps getting closer and the door opened, revealed the slightly dazed man who stared at him.
“Yeah?” the man arched his brows as he asked. Sasuke nodded. He straightened his body and looking over the man shoulder searching a certain blonde that his eyes then captured the figure who sat at the far back of the room.
“Naruto,” he called. The called blonde turned his head at the sudden calling of his name. His smile then plastered all over his face as he saw who had called him. He stepped out then approached Sasuke.
“Hey, Sas.” He acknowledged the dark haired boy as he patted the man shoulder who opened the door as the show of gratitude.
“Your class over yet?” Sasuke asked a bit hesitant as he looked over the class. Naruto just smiled. He shook his head as he grabbed Sasuke hand and pulled him in.
“Nah, it’s just over minutes ago. Come in. I wanna introduce you toward my friends.
“My friends wanna know about you, sweetie,” Naruto said. Sasuke eyes going wide for momentarily. He stared at Naruto who dragged him back to the back seat.
“Hey, dude, this is Sasuke.” Naruto introduced. Sasuke just nodded.
“Why are you so quiet today?” Naruto asked as they stepped into his car. Sasuke glanced at him once then turned away again.
“I’m okay.” Sasuke answered softly. Naruto nodded and chose to dropped the topic and starting his car, they then zoomed out of the parking lot.
The ride was quiet. Once in a while Naruto took a glance toward Sasuke. But the man seemed not noticed that as his eyes vaguely glued outside the window.
“Do you mad or something?” Naruto finally asked. Sasuke turned his head. He stared for a moment then turned away again, not answering. Naruto sighed in defeat. He stepped on the break and the car suddenly pulled into a stop.
Sasuke stared at Naruto in bewilderment. Naruto heaved a big sigh and then turned facing Sasuke. Sasuke stiffened a bit as he saw the look on Naruto face.
“Just say it. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Sasuke replied. Naruto, not buying the answer grabbed the man shoulder and turned him to face him directly. Sasuke lowered his gaze. Naruto growled. He stretched his hand and lifted Sasuke’s face by his chin, forced Sasuke to look directly at his face.
“Sasuke…” Naruto warned.
“We shouldn’t stop in the middle of the road like this,” Sasuke said. Naruto face fell. He gritted his teeth as he leaned forward.
”What’s wrong with you? In campus you look okay but when we get into the car your face turned sour. Did I do something that make you upset?” Naruto asked softly.
“It’s nothing, Naruto. I’m okay.”
“You aren’t, Sasuke. You can’t fool me.”
“Say it!” Naruto demanded. He stared at the dark orbs. The sadness flickered on the said orbs for a moment then gone as if nothing ever shown. Naruto still held Sasuke face as he leaned more closer to the said man.
“I know you are avoiding me, Sas. Tell me what’s wrong,” Naruto pleaded. But Sasuke held his ground. Heaved a desperate sigh, Naruto closed the gape between his and Sasuke. Sealed Sasuke mouth with his.
‘Why I am doing this?’ Naruto wondered over him self. But his mouth still attached to the raven. As the said Raven boy eyes widened in shock.
‘He is kissing me? Naruto is kissing me??’ Sasuke pondered. He tried to think by the logic. But seemed that his brain is locked somewhere as his eyes fluttered shut and a sigh of contentment escaped his lips.
They arrived at the restaurant. After stepped out of the parking lot, Naruto walked toward the entrance door holding Sasuke closely to his side.
The waitress greeted them as they arrived. Naruto just smiled politely as the waitress asked them. Sasuke remained silent beside him. They then went to their assigned seat.
“What do you want to eat?” Naruto asked at Sasuke. Sasuke lifted his face.
“Whatever you choose.” He replied quietly. Naruto sighed softly. Sasuke still hadn’t talk much even after he kissed him beforehand.
“Okay then. Does steak okay with you?” he asked again. Sasuke nodded. He looked away when the waitress offered a smile at him.
“Okay. Two medium steak then.” Naruto answered as he glanced at the scene that played in front of him.
“The drinks, Sir?” she asked.
“Hm, orange juice will do.” Naruto answered. The waitress turned toward Sasuke.
“And you, Miss?”
“What?” Sasuke snapped. He stared at the waitress. ‘Did she just call me Miss??’
“Your drink, Sasuke.” Naruto chirped. Sasuke snapped back into focus. He eyed the menu skeptically.
“Water.” He answered in flat but husky tone. Naruto sighed softly and looked at the slightly taken aback waitress.
“I guess that’s all.” He smiled at the woman. The woman nodded a bit dazed though.
“Your food will come right away, Sir,” she said then retreated to collect they order.
“You shouldn’t snap like that to her, Sas,” Naruto said. Sasuke just stared at the table unresponsive.
“Are you will go like this forever?”
“Not your business.” Sasuke replied harshly. Naruto sighed. He took Sasuke hands into his and squeezed it lightly.
“I’m sorry for making you upset, Sas.” Naruto said as he rubbed the back of Sasuke hands gently. Sasuke looked briefly at Naruto. He opened his mouth, but then closed it again. No words escaped his lips. And they both ate in silence.
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