“Sasuke… Sasuke…wake up!” said Naruto gently as he shook Sasuke body. Sasuke moaned and swatted the offending hands away. Naruto chuckled lightly. Hearing the chuckle, Sasuke sat up fully awake. His eyes widened in horror.
“Sasuke?” Naruto asked as he tapped his shoulder. Sasuke spun his head around and instantly face to face with Naruto.
“Na-Naruto..?” he whispered. The panic on his face wore off quickly. Concerned, Naruto took a seat beside Sasuke.
“What’s wrong, hm?”
“I-I… I thought you…were him…” Sasuke voice quivered at the end of words. Naruto sat silently for a mere moment before he smiled softly and reassured Sasuke by hugging him.
“Its time for me to go to univ. Are you okay be here alone? Or you wanna come with me?” Naruto asked while rubbing Sasuke’s back. Sasuke sighed softly and leaned closer.
“How long you will be there?” Sasuke asked while looking up into Naruto face.
“Hm…maybe four hours or so. I don’t know, my schedule today is packed up. So?”
“I wanna go with you, but…” Sasuke hesitated for a moment.
“Okay, how about this, you can spent your time here for a while then you come to pick me up in campus so we can go somewhere?” Naruto asked after he considered the things for mere seconds.
“Sounds good.” Sasuke agreed.
“Okay then, I’m off to univ, kay? Take care at home,” Naruto said as he kissed Sasuke cheek then stepped out of the bedroom. Watching Naruto back disappeared, Sasuke sighed again then stepped out of bed. He then padded slowly toward the bathroom. Moments after, the sound of water hit the floor can be heard.
“Yo! Naruto!” Kiba said as he slung his arm over Naruto shoulders. Naruto just smiled in acknowledgement. A tap on his shoulder and Neji was walked beside him too.
“Hey, Neji!”
“Hey to you too, Naruto. So who’s that Sasuke guy?” Neji asked as they walked through the hallway. Kiba raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“This dude here, just got laid,” Neji said jokingly. Naruto glared at him.
“Don’t say like that about Sasuke.”
“Whoa? This Sasuke guy is special, isn’t he?” Kiba butted in. Naruto smacked Kiba’s head.
“We didn’t do anything like you both thinking,” Naruto stated as he fastened his step. Half running, Neji followed him. Kiba frowned then he too catching up with Naruto and Neji.
“Sorry,” Neji uttered softly. Naruto shook his head.
“Nah. Just don’t say like that again about Sasuke.” Naruto said as he opened the door into study hall.
“Understood.” Neji nodded.
“Hey, how these Sasuke guys look?” Kiba asked as they took a seat beside each other in the middle line of seat that littered the study hall. The Seminar will be held fifteen minutes after.
“Ah, he will come here today to pick me up.” Naruto said as he slumped on the desk. Neji eyebrows rose in curiosity.
“Dating already?” he asked.
“Whoa, that’s fast, dude!!” Kiba said excitedly. Naruto just laughed.
“Nah. We just will off somewhere to grab eat. Beside I didn’t know him that far, yet.” Naruto said. He tucked his hands behind his head and already watching the pattern of the wall in the study hall.
“What’s that mean?” Kiba asked.
“We just met yesterday, though.”
“WHAT?? Just met yet you already slept with him???” Kiba said shocked. Naruto glared then smacked Kiba’s head a bit hard. Kiba whined as he rubbed his abused head.
“We just slept in the same bed. Doing nothing.” Naruto stated. Neji nodded in the background while Kiba stared at Naruto in disbelieve.
“What is that look mean, Kiba? I’m not a lowly bastard.” Naruto said slightly offended.
“Interesting.” Neji mumbled.
“Nothing,” Neji waved the question off. Naruto just grumbled something while Kiba still stared at him.
They continued to talk until one by one the student came to the room and then the seminar began.
“Ah, Sasuke? It’s me Naruto.” Naruto said as he glared at Kiba. Kiba just shrugged.
“Yes, Naruto?”
“Just ask him already!” Kiba said irritated. Naruto glared again.
“Shut up, you mutt!”
“Ah, sorry, Sas, it’s just my friend here trying to interrupt,” Naruto explained. Kiba hmph-ed in annoyance. Neji chuckled then patted Kiba lightly on the back.
“Ah, okay. Then, why are you calling?”
“Just to tell you that my class will be over around two. Anyway, what time are you will come to here?” Naruto asked. He swatted Kiba hand that nearly grabbed the phone in his hand.
“Hm, I’ll come in one hour then.”
“Ah, Okay. Just texting me when you come, kay?” Naruto said.
”I..miss you…”
Naruto coughed as his eyes widened for a mere seconds. Neji and Kiba stared at him strangely.
“What’s wrong?” Sasuke voice sounding concerned. Naruto face turned beet red. He scratched the back of his neck while laughing nervously.
“A-ah…that’s nothing. Hahahaha… W-well then, I have classes. Take care.” Naruto said a bit rushed then he hanged up. He sighed in relieve then turned around facing Neji and Kiba.
“What the hell is that, huh?” Kiba asked. Naruto just smiled sheepishly. Neji brows furrowed and Naruto gulped.
“Seem you hiding something from us.” He stated. Naruto laughed nervously. He waved his hands frantically.
“N-nah, it’s nothing dude…”
“You better tell me later, Naruto.” Neji stated as he walked into class followed by Kiba. Naruto nodded quickly then took off after the two.
Sasuke stared at the phone in his hand. His face look saddened. He sighed heavily. After put the phone back in place, he dropped his body into the sofa.
“He didn’t reply the words…” he muttered softly. He blinked away the tears that already gathered in his eyes.
“Is this the wrong choice again?” he asked loudly. No reply. He sighed again as he buried his face into the cushion.
“Why this hurt me more than what that bastard did to me?”
“Yo, ‘Ruka!”
“Ka-Kakashi?! What are you doing in here??” Iruka said almost yelled. Kakashi smiled. Even half of his face covered by the mask, Iruka just know that the man were smirking.
“Can’t I meet my friend?” Kakashi said amused. Iruka blushed.
“It’s not what I mean, ‘Kashi!!”
“I know. Well, ‘Ruka, I need to talk about something to you.” Kakashi said in serious tone. Iruka straightened his pose.
“Don’t tell me this is about…”
“Yes. This is about him.” Kakashi said. Iruka mouth hung agape. He stared at Kakashi in disbelieve.
“No way.” He said dejected. He took a step back and ready to turn away but Kakashi immediately hold his upper arm.
“Yes way.” He said smiled. Iruka stared in horror this time.
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