Naruto took a seat as he offered the glass of tea to the man that sat in front of his seat. He took a sip at his tea while eyeing the man who slightly dropped his gaze to the floor as the bangs of his hair covered his face in elegant way. Naruto cleared his throat as he spoke softly, eyes never leave the man face.
“So, say, err…what’s your name again?”
“Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha.” The man answered as he sipped his tea at slow pace as if he was savoring the taste.
“Ah, so, Uchiha-san…”
“Sasuke. Just call me Sasuke.” The man interrupted. The dark orbs looked straight into Naruto blue eyes. Naruto tried to hold him self from blushing.
“Ah, okay, so then, Sasuke, would you care to explain why the hell are you out of nowhere asked me to sleep with you who practically a complete stranger?” Naruto asked as he adjusted his position. Sasuke dropped his gaze once again then sighed softly.
“That’s…a long story,” Sasuke uttered softly then slowly sipped his tea.
“Tell me. I have plenty of time to hear it.” Naruto reassured the man as he flashed a smile toward Sasuke. Sasuke slightly turned away then cleared his throat. Then awkward silent hung between them.
Naruto scratched his head awkwardly. He flashed Sasuke a nervous smile. Sasuke sighed in defeat. His body slouched out a bit, head hung low as he began to speak.
“I…” he paused. Naruto waited patiently while once in a while took his sip.
“I got…dumped by my boyfriend.” Sasuke said as he lifted up his gaze toward Naruto. Naruto stilled for a moment. Then he smiled.
“Care to tell me why he dumped you?”
“He…dumped me because…” Sasuke paused again. He locked his gaze at Naruto.
“Because?” Naruto volunteered. Sasuke dropped his gaze again.
“Because I don’t want to sleep with him,” he murmured softly. Naruto eyes went wide. His mouth slightly open.
“Just because of that he dumped you?” he asked. A tad bit of anger sipped at his voice. Sasuke flinched a bit then nodded. Naruto ground his lips. His smile a bit strained.
“Such a bastard he is.” Naruto blatantly said. The venom showed on his words. Sasuke looked at Naruto a bit surprised.
“He dumped you because you didn’t want to sleep with him. Everything is clear, he is just after your body.” Naruto stated. Sasuke stiffened and his face darkened. His body shivered slightly. Then a soft sob escaped his lips. Naruto eyes widen instantly.
“H-hey…” he stuttered as he hurriedly approached Sasuke.
“Don’t cry over such a bastard. He didn’t deserve you,” Naruto said as he patted Sasuke shoulder gently. Sasuke threw his hands instantly around Naruto waist and tightened his hold on it as he buried his face on Naruto stomach. Naruto stilled. And as soon as the sob got louder, Naruto hands wrapped it self around Sasuke torso, comforting.
“Ssshh…It’s okay. Don’t cry.” He shushed the cried man while rubbed Sasuke back, tried to soothing the man.
“I-I j-just…”
“Sshh… I know,” Naruto whispered softly. He tightened his hug a bit.
A loud phone ring awoken Naruto from his slumber. He groaned softly as he sat up and slouched over the bed post while attempted to grab the phone on the night stand.
A soft rustle stopped his attempt. Turned around, Naruto gaze dropped at the big lump beside him. He tilted his head in confusion.
“Shut the damn thing off, Naruto!” the lump grumbled in annoyance then shifted, revealed a very sleepy Sasuke.
Naruto frown deepened. He stared hard at Sasuke. The gear in his brain worked hardly. And then a flash of memory came to his mind and at the same time it clicked in.
“Ah… Sasuke.” He murmured softly. Sasuke glowered at the blatant respond he got from the blond in front of him.
“Would you shut the damn thing or not?! It’s annoying!” Sasuke scowled in annoyance. Naruto gaze shifted from Sasuke to the phone on his night stand that flashed and ringed loudly.
“Ah, yeah. Sorry,” he said as he grabbed the phone and pushed the answer button. He held the phone to his ear while eyeing Sasuke who had rested back. Naruto lifted the cover off and stepped his foot on the floor.
“I’m going to answer it outside. Will be back soon,” he said as he padded out of the room. Sasuke just grunted and back to sleep.
“What is it, Neji?” Naruto asked over the phone as he reached his balcony.
“Who is that?”
“What ‘who’?” Naruto asked back. He scratched the back of his head slightly confused.
“Were you with someone right now? I heard you speak something about being outside for a while and a grunt as an answer. Is that man voice that I heard?”
“Ah, that. That’s Sasuke. Yeah, Sasuke is a man. Why? And why are you called me at this late time?” Naruto said as he turned over and leaned at the rail.
“Ah, I’m distracted. Anyway, I call you to inform you that Iruka want you attending the seminar tomorrow. He can’t call you today, he said you turned off your phone. But since when someone spent the night in your apartment?”
“Ah, I turn off the phone so just I can concentrate. Thanks for inform me anyway. And for your question, it’s since today.” Naruto answered. A rustle can be heard and Naruto gazed at the slightly opened glass door that divided his balcony and his living room. He found Sasuke stood between the now opened glass doors staring at him with sleepy eyes. Naruto motioned him to step closer.
“Why are you up? Aren’t you tired?” he asked as Sasuke wounded his hands around his waist and leaned at him.
“Huh? What are you talking about, Naruto?” Neji voice can be heard over the phone. Sasuke chuckled a bit.
“Ah, sorry Neji. I’m not asking you. I’m asking Sasuke.” He stated as he ruffled Sasuke hair gently.
“I can’t sleep,” Sasuke mumbled sleepily. Naruto smiled.
“Neji. Thanks again. I’ll come to the seminar tomorrow. Good night.”
“Ah, okay. No problem. You owe me a story, dude. Night.”
Naruto chuckled lightly as he turned the phone off. He then gazed at the almost dozed off Sasuke.
“Let’s go back inside,” he said as he walked Sasuke inside. Sasuke just nodded quietly while clinging at Naruto.
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