Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh My God!! Why he is so stupid?! [BL]-Chapter 1: I need to talk and beat up that jerk

“What the hell are you doing Kim Jaejoong!?”
Jaejoong, startled, he turned his head only to be face to face with an angry boy who stood by the entrance. Then tears begin streamed down wetting his oh-so-flawless-skin of his face.

“Are you crazy, Jae? You can’t do this, you know that!”
“B-but...” Jaejoong stuttered. The angry-faced boy walked toward Jaejoong then grasped Jaejoong’s wrist and pulled him to his body.
“No but. Suicide is not the way to solve the problem!!” he said sternly. Jaejoong looked at him with tears still running down his cheeks. He dropped the knife he was holding and hugged the boy tightly as he sobbed hardly.
“I’ll help you out from this fucking thing. So, please, don’t ever do anything stupid like this again...”
“It’s hurt...” Jaejoong said out of the blue. His voice was muffled but loud enough. The boy let out a deep sigh. He ruffled Jaejoong hair softly.
“It’s hurt, Jinnie-ah...”
“It’s hurt…and the pain is killin’ me...” said Jaejoong between his sob.
“I know. I know it, Jae...”
“JUNG YUNHO!!!GET YOUR ASS OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!” Jin Hyuk yelled as he kicked the door harshly. The door banged on the wall loudly startling the man inside the house.
“Jin Hyuk-ah? What’s that hell for??” Yoochun asked as stepped out of the living room. Jin Hyuk stood there for a while. His sharp-eyes stared into the room examined it carefully. Seeking someone.
“Where is that Jung Yunho bastard?” he said in angry tone that made Yoochun shivered a little. Yoochun shrugged before he took a deep breath.
“He is still in class. He got detention because spacing out at Mr. Choi lecture. Why?”
“...That jerk...” Jin Hyuk hissed in anger. He stepped into the house and laid his body harshly on top of the sofa. Yoochun followed him still in confused state then sat in front of him.
“What happen? Why are you looking so angry like a madman?”
“That jerks. He makes JJ cry again…” Jin Hyuk said as he took a deep breath to calm him self.
“Jaejoong cried??”
“Yeah... If I didn’t get in his dorm on time he maybe was dead by now...” he said sadly and pissed on the same time when he remembered the scene happened earlier.
“Dead? What do you mean?”
“He almost cut his wrist.”
“WHAT???!” Yoochun gasped. His eyes widened in disbelief. He shook his head and let out a sigh.
“You are lying...” he said under his breath. Jin Hyuk shook his head. He looked at Yoochun face deeply. Yoochun hung down his head and rubbed his temple with his palm.
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah. And I need to talk and beat up that jerk now...” Jin Hyuk said as let out a sigh. Yoochun sighed and leaned back. His eyes stared at the ceiling.
“Stupid Yunho...” he murmured and sighed again.
“Oh, Min... Stop eating, can you?!” Yunho yelled and rolled his eyes in annoyance. They were walking home after got a detention from their own respected teachers.
“Sorry, hyung. But I’m hungry, you know.” Changmin said as he stuffed his mouth with food. Junsu chuckled. And Yunho once again rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, whatever...” Yunho sighed in defeat. He sighed and huffed again and again. His face looked so sour.
“Yah, hyung, why did you spaced out before and get a detention for it?” Junsu asked curiously while licked his ice cream. Yunho let out a sigh and shrugged.
“Nothing. Just let’s go home quickly.” He said as he walked quickly. Junsu just shrugged then followed Yunho with the still eating-Changmin.
After a few minutes, they finally reached the apartment. They then separated as Yunho reached his room first.
When Yunho was about to twist the door knob, the door suddenly opened harshly. He looked up and saw the angry-faced Jin Hyuk and a sour face of Yoochun who stood behind Jin Hyuk back.
“Hey...” he said lazily as he took off his shoes then stepped in.
“What the heck?!” Yunho said while held his stinging cheek. He stared at Jin Hyuk, angry and confusion mixed on his face.
“That’s for your stupidity and for making JJ cried again...” Jin Hyuk said then turned away.
“What?? How dare you slap my face??” Yunho yelled. But Jin Hyuk ignored it and walked toward his room. Entered it and then slammed the door hard.
“What the??” Yunho said annoyed. He looked at Yoochun who still stood in there and stared at him with a sour face. Yoochun sighed deeply.
“You’re so stupid.” Yoochun said then went back to his room. Yunho stood at his spot blankly. He blinked a few times. Tried to digest but failed.
“What is this all about??” he asked to the empty room. Confused.

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