Thursday, July 7, 2011

Boy’s love addiction Part 1

“Hyung..I’ll set you free...” said Ah Soo. He looked at Minho lifeless body. A sad smile on his face.
“Please hold on for a bit longer. I’m sure that I can set you free from this... I promise...” Ah Soo said again. He held Minho hand tightly as he looked sadly at Minho face who lay down in his bed weakly.
“Free from the pain...”

“Yah! Soo-ah, why with that face of yours?” asked Jong Hyun as he sat beside Ah Soo. Ah Soo just sat quietly, looked down to the floor.
“Yah! Are you listening??” said Jong Hyun again. Ah Soo just took a deep breath. His face looked so pale and tired.
“Can you just shut up your fuckin mouth??” Said Ah Soo in annoyance. A deep sigh escaped from his mouth. Jong Hyun stared at him intensely then frowned.
“Is it about your brother again?” Jong Hyun said softly as his eyes gazed at Ah Soo pale and tired face.
“He still cant move until now... when I saw him at hospital, he only smile to me without talking even for a word... I can’t hold it any longer...his condition make me hurt... what should I do?” Ah Soo voice cracked as he held his head up to prevent the tears flowing out.
“I know you can. Your brother still fighting by him self. Thats why you shouldn’t give up for his sake. You know it clearly, right?” Jong Hyun tried to cheer Ah Soo up. Ah Soo sighed. Its hard for him.
“But, just think that Minho was... Ah, its hard even to say...”
“Hang on, boy... I know you can do it. I’m very sure with it. Just wait. And then...the way will appear in front of your eyes... right?”
“Yeah...I hope...” said Ah Soo weakly. He stood up then looked at the blue sky. A drop of tears flowed out.
“I hope the way will appear soon...”
“I’m sure...” said Jong Hyun with smile on his face.
“You bastard!! You should die now, you know?? You just wasting my time, Minho...” a boy yelled angrily. Minho just looked at boy’s eyes sharply.
“Don’t look at me like that, jerk!!” the boy yelled again as he hit Minho on the face hardly. But Minho gaze toward the boy then turned soft and warm.
“You must dead now...” the boy said strenly. He put his knife on Minho troath’s, poised, ready to slice it. Minho still in his calm-appearance. But right before the knife slice Minho troath, the door banged open.
“Yah!! What are you doing here???” out of nowhere Ah Soo yelled as he suddenly appeared in that room. He hit the boy face quickly and threw the knife away. The boy lost his balance then fell down to the floor.
“Why are you wanna kill my brother, huh??” hissed Ah Soo as he pinned the boy.
“Not your business” the boy replied flatly.
“Its obviously my business, you jerk!! He is my brother. I’ll never let anyone disturbing him!!” said Ah Soo harshly as he threw a punch at the boy face again.
“I’ll never told you.”
“How dare are you... Ok. I’ll kill you now...” said Ah Soo seriously. He took the knife and put that knife on the boy’s face. Slowly its moved to the boy neck. Ah Soo gave a little press into it. Blood dripped from the boy neck a little.
“Stop it...” Minho said almost in whisper.
“Minho... You...”
“Don’t kill him, Soo-ah..” said Minho weakly. He still lay down on his bed. Stared at the boy who lay lifelessly under his dongsaeng.
“What?? But this jerk want to kill you!!” said Ah Soo almost yelled. He stared at his brother in disbelief.
“Don’t kill him, please...” Minho pleaded. A drop of tears wetted his face. Ah Soo looked at his hyung, confused.
“Why, Hyung..??”
“I love him, Soo-ah... He is the one I love...” said Minho without doubt. A smile plastered on his face. The boy just lay lifelessly as he stared at Minho.
“What?? He is... But, Hyung...he want to kill you!! I can’t let him go without doing anything, you know??”
“I know it, Soo-ah. But, I’m begging you...please let him go...”
“You shouldn’t talk like that, Minho! I’ve never love you! I hate you!!” yelled the boy in harsh tone.
“You hear that, hyung?? He wanna kill you!!” yelled Ah Soo.
“You’re lying to me, Song Woon...” said Minho while looked at the boy’s face straight. Stared at him longingly.
“I,I-I’m not lying!!” said the boy who called Song Woon in stutter. He turned his face away.
“You’re lying...” Minho said again.
“I...” the boy sttutered and didnt finish his word and started to sob. Ah Soo looked at the boy and Minho with doubt showed on his face.
“Cih... Ok. I’ll let this boy free like you said, Hyung... But, I still doubt this is the best thing to do...” said Ah Soo while looked at his stubborn brother. He sighed and got off.
“I know it. Thank you...” said Minho with smile on his face. Ah Soo let the boy free. With doubt and worry captured on his face, Ah Soo left the room.
For a while, Minho stared at the boy who cried hardly without said anything.
“Come here...” said Minho softly to the boy. But Song Woon didnt budge.
“Song Woon...”
“Song Woon, please...” said Minho gently. Bit by bit, the boy got closer. Then he sat beside Minho’s bed.
Mianhe..” Song Woon whispered almost can’t be heard. Minho just smiled when he heard what the boy said. He patted Song Woon head softly.
“I know it. I’ll always forgive you...” said Minho while hold the boy’s hand. Song Woon hugged Minho as he sobbed hardly.
“I’m so sorry, Minho...”
“I know it, Song Woon... I know it...”
“I’ve got you again...Song Woon,” whispered Minho softly on the boy’s ear. Song Woon tightened his hug still sobbing.
“I’m still didn’t understand with you, Hyung. Why you let this stupid boy free??” asked Ah Soo as he pointed at the sleeping Song Woon beside his hyung.
“He’s cute, isn’t he? I’m sure you will love him too after you know him...” Minho said smiled.
“I don’t care about that. But...I’m relieved...thanks to God, finally you can talk again...” said Ah Soo as he held Minho palm and rested it on his own cheek.
“Don’t worry about me, Soo-ah... You should thinking about your self too.” Said Minho. Ah Soo just nodded his head.
“Ah, I forget something. I wanna ask you something...” said Ah Soo looked at Minho.
“What? Just ask.”
“Are you serious make this boy as your...lover..??” Ah Soo muttered slowly. Minho just smiled.
“I’m sure with that.” Minho said withouth doubt.
“Hhh... Ok. It’s your own life. I just wish your happiness. But...”
“But??” asked Minho.
“If he hurt you...I’ll take you back then…kill him.” said Ah Soo seriously. He looked at Minho face.
“I know it...” said Minho then held his little brother hand gently. He nudged Ah Soo to get closer. Ah Soo leaned foward.
“Thanks for your love...” said Minho as he gave Ah Soo a quick peck on the lips. Ah Soo face changed to red.
“Its doesnt matter...” Ah Soo stuttered as his face grew redder.
“Yah!! Whats happen with that ugly face of your??” Jong Hyun joked as he poked Ah Soo cheek. Make the younger huffed.
“Yah, whats wrong?” Jong Hyun asked again in concern. Ah Soo took a deep breath.
“Minho can talk now...”
“Thats a good news. But why your face look like that?? You’re not happy with that??” said Jong Hyun frowned. Ah Soo shook his head.
“No. I’m very happy. But...”
“But what?”
“That boy make me stuck in between...”
“The boy?? What do you mean??” asked Jong Hyun confused.
“Song Woon... He’s Minho lover...” Ah Soo said almost in whisper. He stared at the floor then sighed again.
“Ah, you are jelaous, right??” Jong Hyun teased.
“I’m not!! Why you dare to say that fucking word, huh??” Ah Soo yelled as he smacked Jong Hyun head. His face went red. Jong Hyun just laughed hardly and almost fell from his chair.
“Stop laughing at me!!” Ah Soo yelled as he hit Jong Hyun again. But Jong Hyun didnt stop.
“Yah!!! Stop it!!!!”
“Ah, you’re so cute...” said Jong Hyun as he pinched As Soo cheek.
“Stop doing that fucking stuff, jerk!!” Ah Soo mumbled and smacked Jong Hyun-again and this time strike on his head. Jong Hyun rubbed his head.
“Why not? You’re really cute, you know. You make me falling in love with you...” said Jong Hyun as he stared at Ah Soo intensely. Ah Soo blushed and turned away quickly.
“You jerk...” Ah Soo muttered under his breath as he blushed madly.
“Hmm... Ah, I’m very tired... wanna sleep with me?”
“What?? You’re crazy. Go sleep alone you retard!!” Ah Soo yelled as he stood up and ready to go out. But Jong Hyun held his wrist and pulled him back.
“Hhh... I’m tired. Just give me your lap.” Jong Hyun demanded.
“Ha?? What the...” Ah Soo hesistated. But its too late. Jong Hyun lay his head on his lap then drowned in deep slumber.
“Yah!! Wake up!!!” Ah Soo yelled loudly. But Jong Hyun didnt even budge.
“Cih! You’re always doing what you want without thinking.You jerk...” said Ah Soo in the end. He gave up and let Jong Hyun slept on his lap.
“Hi, Minho...”
“Jong Hyun??” Minho startled. His eyes widened in horror.
“What do you want??” said Minho sternly. Scared. But Jong Hyun just smiled. Then he sat on the chair besides Minho.
“Calm down. I won’t hurt you...” Jong Hyun said calmly. He stroke Minho face gently. But Minho slapped his hand away.
“You used to be my beloved. And you’re the one who make me suffered like this. What do you want, huh??” said Minho harshly. His voice cracked.
“I’m sorry for that. I done that to help you escaped from that hell, Minho. I know you will get angry at me, of course I understand it. But you must know the fact too, Minho. I’m hurt like you too. My hurt deeper than what you know...” said Jong Hyun.
“You lied.”
“I don’t lie. Thats the truth! My heart broke into pieces when I’m doing that to you. I’m still love you, Minho...” said Jong Hyun seriously. His face looked sad.
“I’m still love you too, Jong Hyun…but, now I’ve Song Woon...” said Minho slowly.
“I know it, Minho. I know it. I just want you to know my feeling. Just that.” said Jong Hyun. He held Minho palm tightly.
“Thank you, Jong Hyun. But I’m sorry…”
“I know it...” said Jong Hyun then he kissed Minho on the lips.
“...Jong Hyun…” said Ah Soo in disbelief. He stood at the the doorway as his eyes widened in shock.
“Ah Soo??” Jong Hyun said as he froze. Minho stared at the two in confusion. Angry and betrayed feeling showed on Ah Soo face.
“You said that you love me, then why are you doing this to me??” Ah Soo voice cracked. He looked so upset.
“It’s not like what you thinking, Ah Soo...” said Jong Hyun tried to convince Ah Soo. He walked toward Ah Soo. But Ah Soo stepped back.
“You know Jong Hyun, Soo-ah?” Minho asked. Ah Soo nodded his head.
“Yes. He is the man who give me courage when i’m down. He tell me before, that he love me. Then he betray me like this.” said Ah Soo harshly. A sour smirk plastered on his face.
“I swear, It’s not like what you thinking, Ah Soo. You’re misunderstand this!” said Jong Hyun. Ah Soo chukled.
“Me?? Then whats the meaning of you kissing my brother in front of my eyes?? Are those just my illusion??” Ah Soo yelled. He looked at Jong Hyun angrily.
“I just wanna say goodbye to him. Just for ending my feeling to him, Ah Soo…” said Jong Hyun.
“By kissing him??”
“Minho used to be my lover, Soo-ah...” said Jong Hyun almost cannot be heard. He glanced at Minho.
“He is the one who make me like this, Ah Soo. He used to be my lover.” said Minho.
“Your...lover??” Ah Soo stuttered. His eyes went teary. His body trembled. Slowly he stepped back again.
“Yes. Used to be.” said Minho. Ah Soo shook his head. He chukled and almost choked of his own saliva and tears.
“You know me, you encouraging me... You say you love me and then you betrayed me. You only want to fool me from the beginning, Jong Hyun??” asked Ah Soo in deep-dangerous voice.
“No. You are wrong, Ah Soo!!” Jong Hyun shouted. He hug Ah Soo but Ah Soo pushed him away.
“Enough. You’re a liar. You make me in love with you then you dump me!! I hate you!!!” Ah Soo shouted loudly. He stepped back then turned away. He left the room in rush.
“Ah Soo wait!!!” said Jong Hyun, chased after Ah Soo. No reaction. Ah Soo quickened his pace. He didnt even take a glance back.
“Ah Soo, listen to me!!” said Jong Hyun as he grabbed Ah Soo wrist and pulled him back. Ah Soo strugled. He pushed Jong Hyun away.
“Ah Soo, please!! Listen to me!!” Jong Hyun yelled when Ah Soo started to hit him. Ah Soo stopped. He hung his head low.
“Listen to me even just for once, Soo-ah... I love Minho before… but when I know you, I fall in love with you... I want to be with you. Thats why I met Minho here. Just for ending my feeling, ending my love to him...” Jong Hyun spoke softly. Ah Soo bit his lower lips.
“You’re lying!! You still in love with my brother!!”
“Yes, I love with him before!!! I love him before!! I admit that!! But you must know, you are the one who I love now!!!!” Jong Hyun yelled.
“You lied...”
“I’m not lying!!! My love to you getting biger and deeper than you know!!! I’m in love with you, Ah Soo!!! I can’t even life without you!!!!” screamed Jong Hyun desperately. Ah Soo bit his lower lips again. Then he started to sob.
“You lied...” said Ah Soo as he cried. Jong Hyun hugged Ah Soo tightly as he kissed him passionately.
“My heart love you so much.” whispered Jong Hyun softly to Ah Soo ear’s. He pushed Ah Soo to the wall and pinned him. Ah Soo tried to strugle, but Jong Hyun was stronger than him. Jong Hyun started to kiss Ah Soo lips hungrily. He sucked it. Ravishing Ah Soo lips untill it swollen. Trailled a wet kiss all over his neck. Sucked it and marked it. Ah Soo whimpered.
“Do you still didnt believe me?? How to show you my love?? Please answer me!” said Jong Hyun. But Ah Soo just stood quietly. He didnt said anything. He turned his face away when Jong Hyun leaned to kiss him again. Harshly, Jong Hyun pulled Ah Soo into kiss as his hand roamed under Ah Soo shirt. Caressed Ah Soo skin. Ah Soo body jerked up when Jong Hyun pinched his nipple. He bit his lips when they members rubbed each other accidentally and let out a whimper.
“Soo-ah... I love you with my whole heart and soul...” said Jong Hyun as he kissed Ah Soo lips deeply. His tounge savoured all over the part, tasted Ah Soo hot mouth.
“Yah... you still doubting me? Why are you still didn’t believe me?? I wanna make you mine! But why are you still like this?? You can’t forgive me?? You don’t love me??” said Jong Hyun desperately. He held Ah Soo face with his palms. His watery eyes stared deeply at Ah Soo. Ah Soo felt his heart sank.
“I love you... but...” Ah Soo trailled of. Jong Hyun stared at him.
“But what?? You still angry with me??”
“No. I’m not angry with you anymore. I wouldn’t say that I love you if I’m still angry with you, Jong Hyun...”
“Then why??” asked Jong Hyun. He stared at Ah Soo deeply.
“You love Minho, Jong Hyun?”
“I loved him. But now only you the one that I love, Soo-ah...” said Jong Hyun seriously and matter of factly. Ah Soo looked at Jong Hyun face carefully.
“Your kiss...”
“What?” asked Jong Hyun.
“You kissed Minho.”
“I said it before, right? Its just to finish my feeling to him. It doesn’t mean anything.” said Jong Hyun. Ah Soo took a deep breath and a sigh escaped from his mouth.
“But it does have mean for me...” said Ah Soo softly. He hung his head low as he bit his lips to hide his blushed face.
“You are jealous??” asked Jong Hyun. Ah Soo didn’t reply. Jong Hyun took a deep breath. He held Ah Soo face up. Stared at him lovingly as he caressed Ah Soo face.
“I’m so sorry if I make your heart get hurt. I’ll never kiss anyone again except you, I promise to you.” said Jong Hyun as he pecked Ah Soo lips. Ah Soo breathed hardly when Jong Hyun started to kiss his neck and sucked it while his hand opened his shirt until he was half naked.
“You promise to me... can you keep it in your heart, Jong Hyun?” said Ah Soo while breathed heavily. Jong Hyun was sucking his left nipple while his hand teased Ah Soo right nipple. A moan escaped from Ah Soo mouth made Jong Hyun got hard.
“I promise you, you’re the one I love until I die.” Jong Hyun promised.
“For a life time?”
“Life time promise.” said Jong Hyun smiled. Then when Jong Hyun ended his words, Ah Soo kissed him back passionately. They kissed each other. Their body both got closer as they rubbed each other. Their breath get hard and faster when one of them kissed other lips or body hotly. Both of them lay down as they still kissed each other hungrily. Hands roamed all over body. Carresed it and brought a hot felling all over their body. Moan after moan escaped from both of them.
“I love you...”

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