Friday, July 9, 2010

shall I take a break?

I'm lost
I don't know what to follow and hold

I'm on the edge
blow me then I'll fall

I'm lost
sanity isn't with me now

it's shallow
it's hollow
just like a shadow

I'm lost
found then being thrown
like dust that being blown

I'm on the edge
punch me so I can cry

it's shallow
it's hollow
just like a lost meadow in sorrow

all appears
with no disappears

it's shallow
it's hollow
no one to follow
no one ever follow

I'm lost
it's all gone

I'm on the edge
hurt me so I can die

and rage

I'm lost
the dawn has reach the sky

being blown
being thrown
all torn

it's shallow
it's hollow
hard to swallow

I'm on the edge
let me...and I'll fly
then die

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